Course Overview
I Got Ants in My Pants and I Need to Dance is a one and a half-hour training on behavior prevention and management strategies for early childhood settings. Offered both in-person and online, this interactive course provides educators with tools to de-escalate problems and challenges that arise with young children. Participants will learn positive guidance techniques, observation methods, and assessment strategies to understand child behaviors and meet individual needs. The training title reflects the lively, engaging approach used to demonstrate hands-on management solutions that create calm, nurturing environments where all children can thrive. Educators will gain practical skills to prevent issues from developing and respond appropriately when they do, getting the wiggles out so learning can happen.
Benefits of this Training
Learn behavior prevention and management techniques and strategies
Teach children skills to prevent loss of focus and build self-regulation abilities
Improve children’s capacity for sustained calmness and attention during instructional time
Develop proactive strategies to promote focus and executive functioning skills in students
Learn how to implement preventative routines and procedures to minimize disruptive behaviors
Get ideas for fun movement breaks and active games to channel kids’ energy productively!
Course Information
Price: $30
1.5 Hours of PD
Course Attendance Options:
In-Person Location: 2102 Roosevelt Dr., Suite F, Dalworthington Gardens, TX 76013
Online: Live session via Zoom
Snack and print resources provided for in-person attendees
Next Class Starts: March 4, 2024
Time: 12:30-2:00 PM
Register by: March 1, 2024